Punarjanma (Rebirth)

The creation and destruction of the worlds is repetitive!

Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
The worlds (lokas) and/or the peoples from up to the Brahma's world, keep returning again, O Arjun. But having approached me, O son of Kunti, there is no rebirth.

Purified souls enjoy heavenly pleasures alongside the gods.

Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
They who are the drinkers of the nectar, cleansing the sins with sacrifices according to three Vedas, praying me wishing for own fate, with the obtainable piety, enjoy heavenly pleasures alongside the gods, in the world of the god's king.

Having expended the good deeds in the heaven, they fall back to the mortal world.

Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
They, having enjoyed the vast world of the heaven, having expended the good deeds, fall back to the mortal world. Thus, conforming to the righteousness described in the three Vedas, the going and coming is what the desirers of the enjoyment obtain.

You and I have gone several rebirths. I remember them all, you don't know any.

Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
The profuse god said: a lot of births of you and a lot of births of mine have passed. O Arjun. I know them all but you do not know, O pain of the enemy.

He who knows my birth and actions are divine, they don't undergo rebirth.

Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
Thus, who knows intrinsically that my births and actions are divine, O Arjun, having abandoned the body does not undergo rebirth, but arrives me, the supersoul.