Bhakti (Devotion)
In this sections we will try to understand the verses centered around bhakti (devotion).
Even a small amount of dharma (righteousness) will rescue you from great fear.
Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
Putting forth the effort here, there is no destruction, nor there is diminution.
Even a little of this, of performing of the established duties, rescues one from
great fear.
These kinds of people won't worship me.
Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
The bewildered bad actors, the vilest men, the ones whose knowledge is
carried away by illusion and those taking refuge in demonic instincts,
will not step towards me.
Four kinds of people worship me.
Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
O Arjun, four categories of people worship me doing good actions. Distressed,
inquisitive, those seeking wealth and the wise; O superior of the descendants of Bharat!
I am easily available to those who always keep me in their thoughts.
Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
For them who constantly think of me and have no other thoughts, always
remain engaged in devotion, O Paartha (Arjun)! I am easily available to them.
Women, vaishyas, shudras, paraiah and lower species can reach the ultimate abode.
Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
Anyone who takes refuge in me, O Paartha (Arjun), be they women, Vaishyas
(people of farming and merchant class), Shudras (people of the helper class),
and even the pariah (outcast) and lower species can enter the highest abode.
I give wisdom to those who always engage in worshipping.
Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
To them who are continually engaged in worshipping me with affection, I give
them the power of union with intelligence by which they can arrive at me.
I give wisdom to those who always engage in worshipping.
Lord Krishna says to Arjun:
To them who are continually engaged in worshipping me with affection, I give
them the power of union with intelligence by which they can arrive at me.