चतुर् विधा भजन्ते माम् जनाः सुकृतिनः अर्जुन​
आर्तः जिज्ञासुः अर्थ अर्थी ज्ञानी च भरत ऋषभ

चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जनाः सुकृतिनोऽर्जुन ।
आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ ॥७:१६॥

chaturvidhaa bhajante maam janaah sukritino'rjuna
aarto jignyaasurarthaarthee gnyaanee cha bharatarshabha ||7:16||

catur vidha bhajante maam janaah sukritinah arjuna
aartah jignyaasuh artha arthee gnyaanee cha bharata rishabha

Purport Four categories of virtuous people worship me, O Arjun! Distressed, inquisitive, those seeking wealth and the wise, O superior of the descendants of Bharat!

चतुर् (chatur) -- four
विधा (vidhaa) -- kind; type; categories
भजन्ते (bhajante) -- worship
माम् (maam) -- me
जनाः (janaah) -- people
सुकृतिनः (sukritinah) -- doing good actions; virtuous
अर्जुन (arjuna) -- Arjun
आर्तः (aartah) -- distressed; afflicted
जिज्ञासुः (jignyaasuh) -- desirous of knowledge; inquisitive
अर्थ (artha) -- meaning; wealth
अर्थी (arthee) -- suitors; followers
ज्ञानी (gnyaanee) -- having knowledge; wise
च (cha) -- also
भरत (bharata) -- descendent of Bharat
ऋषभ (rishabha) -- bull; powerful