पूर्व अभ्यासेन तेन एव हृयते हि अवशः अपि सः
जिज्ञासु: अपि योगस्य शब्द ब्रह्म अतिवर्तते

पूर्वाभ्यासेन तेनैव हृयते ह्यवशोऽपि सः ।
जिज्ञासुरपि योगस्य शब्दब्रह्मातिवर्तते ॥६:४४॥

poorvaabhyaasena tenaiva hriyate hyavasho'pi sah
jignyaasurapi yogasya shabdabrahmaativartate ||6:44||

poorva abhyaasena tena eva hriyate hi avashah api sah
jignyaashuh api yogasya shabda brahma ativartate

Purport Indeed, in this manner, he just gets attracted, even without control, becoming inquisitive of Yog (union), overcoming the words of the supreme being (or Vedas).

पूर्व (poorva)-- previous; past
अभ्यासेन (abhyaasena) -- by practice
तेन (tena) -- for that reason; in that manner
एव (eva) -- only; just; alone
हृयते (hriyate) -- be taken; is attracted
हि (hi) -- indeed
अवशः (avashah) -- helpless; without control; automatically
अपि (api) -- even; too
सः (sah) -- he
जिज्ञासु: (jignyashuh) -- inquisitive; willing to know
अपि (api) -- also; too
योगस्य (yogasya) -- of Yoga
शब्द (shabda) -- word; sound; speech
ब्रह्म (brahma) -- supreme being; the absolute
अतिवर्तते (ativartate) -- transcends; surpasses