यदा ते मोह कलिलम् बुद्धि: व्यतितरिष्यति
तदा गन्तासि निर्वेदम् श्रोतव्यस्य श्रुतस्य च

यदा ते मोहकलिलं बुद्धिर्व्यतितरिष्यति ।
तदा गन्तासि निर्वेदं श्रोतव्यस्य श्रुतस्य च ॥२:५२॥

yadaa te mohakalilam buddhirvyatitarishyati
tadaa gantasi nirvedam shrotavyasya shrutasya cha ||2:52||

yadaa te moha kalilam buddhi vyatitarishyati
tadaa gantaasi nirvedam shrotavyasya shrutasya cha

Purport When your intelligence overcomes the quagmire of delusion, then you shall become indifferent of that have been already said and of that is yet to be said.

यदा (yada) -- when
ते (te) -- they; your
मोह (moha) -- delusion
कलिलम् (kalilam) -- confusion; quagmire
बुद्धि: (buddhih) -- intelligence
व्यतितरिष्यति (vyatitarishyati) -- will overcome; will pass across
तदा (tadaa) -- then; at that time
गन्तासि (gantaasi) -- you shall go
निर्वेदम् (nirvedam) -- not in Vedas; indifferent
श्रोतव्यस्य (shrotavyasya) -- of all yet to be heard
श्रुतस्य (shrutasya) -- of that is already heard
च (cha) -- also; and